Be Strong Be Courageous Be YOU!

  • Tournament Date
    Apr 13 2024
  • Entry Fee
    $289 - $375
  • Stature
  • Age Groups
    8U - 14U
  • Admission


Tournament Division

Division Entry Fee Gate Fee Max Entries Teams

Event Ballparks

Venue Name Address Maps link
Premier Sports Complex 531 Van Davis Road, Douglas, GA, 31533 Open in Maps
Walter C. Huckaby Softball Complex 105 Bonwell Royal Rd., Douglas, GA, 31533 Open in Maps
Greg Walker Sports Complex 901 connector 206 North, Douglas, GA, 31533 Open in Maps
Venue Name
Premier Sports Complex
531 Van Davis Road, Douglas, GA, 31533
Venue Name
Walter C. Huckaby Softball Complex
105 Bonwell Royal Rd., Douglas, GA, 31533
Venue Name
Greg Walker Sports Complex
901 connector 206 North, Douglas, GA, 31533

Event Lodging

Note: If you don't know which venue you'll be playing at and want to book in advance, click here to find hotels that are geographically centered between all venues.

Venue Name Address Dates Details
Premier Sports Complex 531 Van Davis Road, Douglas, GA, 31533 Apr 13 Find Hotels
Walter C. Huckaby Softball Complex 105 Bonwell Royal Rd., Douglas, GA, 31533 Apr 13 Find Hotels
Greg Walker Sports Complex 901 connector 206 North, Douglas, GA, 31533 Apr 13 Find Hotels
Venue Name
Premier Sports Complex
531 Van Davis Road, Douglas, GA, 31533
Apr 13
Venue Name
Walter C. Huckaby Softball Complex
105 Bonwell Royal Rd., Douglas, GA, 31533
Apr 13
Venue Name
Greg Walker Sports Complex
901 connector 206 North, Douglas, GA, 31533
Apr 13

Event Updates


Event information 

ALL ROSTERS MUST BE ONLINE- In the event there is a protest in seed play, the team found not to have all players rostered will forfeit all games played up to that point 7-0 and the illegal player will not be allowed to play anymore during the event. Only the coach can file a protest and the protest must be filed with the home plate official. If a protest is filed and upheld in bracket play, the offending team will be ejected from the event. This is an Elite sports and GA FL fastpitch company rule. When playing other USSSA events, teams should consult their event info. 

"IF" GAMES STARTING AFTER 10pm will be a one inning Texas tie breaker format. This policy is to get everyone home safely. 

INCLEMENT WEATHER REFUND POLICY– Elite Sports/GA FL FASTPITCH COMPANY use both a 3-game format and a 4-game format. In the event of inclement weather, refunds will be made accordingly. In an event where the gate fee is included in the tournament price, only the tournament fee portion is refundable.

Example 375 fee with a 9 dollar gate fee. The 375 is refunded as follows below, however if the fee is 500 it is understood that the gate fee is included and is non-refundable. The gate fee in this instance is 125 of the 500 and will not be refunded. The purpose of the gate fee being non-refundable is that each park authority is different with some billing us the full amount once the event begins regardless of how far we make it before raining out. Field prep, scheduling, fence installation and staff costs are already being incurred long before the event starts.

Played one game of a 3-game format – receive 2/3 refund

Played two games of a 3-game format– receive 1/3 refund.

Played one game of a 4-game format – get ¾ refund.

Played two games of a 4-game format – get ½ refund.

Played three games of 4-game format and no awards given out – get ¼ refund

Played three games of a 4-game format and awards given out based on seeding- no refund.

If a game has completed thirty minutes when it is called it will be viewed as a whole game for refund purposes.  Directors reserve the right to change the format as needed to safely finish the event.

SHOWCASE REFUND EXCEPTION for INCLEMENT WEATHER. Due to the cost associated with a showcase, only a portion of the entry fee is refundable. The cost of organizing the event is nonrefundable once it begins and therefore, we cannot provide full normal refunds. Of the 1175 fee, the normal 375 for a tournament fee is still refundable based on games played. The additional fee has already been spent to provide cost reimbursement of housing coaches luncheon, food… for college recruiters and is not considered in a refund. Individual or team gate fees are not refundable. LATE WITHDRAW POLICY – If a team withdraws after 12 noon on Tuesday, there will be a 75-dollar late withdrawal fee. This fee will be used to cover the cost of rescheduling the event.

High seed gets choice all the way through the bracket.

New pitching rule allows leaping. Visit USSSA to get an updated version of this rule. 

Ejections for any reason will require a minimum of the current game and one additional game set out. Severity of offense may increase penalty up to one year suspension. Fighting, bullying, touching an official, profanity, unsportsmanlike behavior, disrespecting officials and staff and alcohol use inside the park are all grounds for suspension from the event. Be nice. In the event someone is ejected postgame, they will be required to sit out a minimum of two games at the next event before returning. Ejected people must leave the park and be out of sight and sound of the game. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their fans and players.

In parks, having curfew, we will shorten games if necessary to complete the event on time.

March 08, 2024 - 04:12am


For more information in regards to this event, please contact:


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